Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Weight Loss Diet that ISN'T a Diet

By Antonio LeMaire

Healthy Eating:

The Weight Loss Diet That Isn't a Diet

The phrase "weight loss diet" is loaded with meaning for most of us. We associate it with words like "yo yo dieting", "fad diets", and "failure". What many of us overlook is the fact that sensible, natural eating habits can also constitute a weight loss diet. One that's a lot easier to stick to and bears results that last longer.

So let's explore an eating plan that is doable and can result in significant weight loss - a diet that isn't really a diet so much as a natural way to eat sensibly.

Here are the food categories you need to get familiar with as part of this healthy weight loss diet that we're going to call "The Un-Diet": It consists of a smart balance of carbs, proteins, fruits and veggies, dairy, and fats.

The Weight Loss Diet Un-Diet

Complex Carbohydrates

As you know, carbs are an important source of nutrients and energy. They are also a valuable part of any weight loss diet... in moderation.

When trying to lose weight, keep your carb intake under strict control. Why? Because your body loves to burn carbs, not fat. So if you keep it supplied with carbs, it will only burn carbs instead of drawing on your body's stored fat for energy. And you will lose weight more slowly.

Research shows that it takes up to four times longer to lose one pound on a high carb diet than it does on a restricted carb diet.

It's also better to eat carbs earlier in the day because that's when your metabolism is at its most active, burning up more calories. Do you enjoy a big evening meal? Then scrimp on carbs during the day and save them for that one big meal. But don't do it every day as that will slow down your weight loss progress overall.


Ever notice all the contradictions about protein's roll in a weight loss diet? Some diet plans promote a high protein intake while others ignore it. What's the real story?

Protein is vital to your health and cannot be eliminated without serious consequences. Too little protein means your body starts using up muscle tissue for fuel, which slows down your metabolism and a sluggish metabolism makes weight loss even more difficult.

But too much protein can also impede your efforts to lose weight because your body will convert it into fat. And excess protein can cause health problems like kidney damage and decreased absorption of calcium.

This is why a balanced intake of protein is necessary for a health weight loss diet. How much and how often you eat it are also important factors. Your body can't store protein, so it needs a constant supply throughout the day. So eating a protein-rich food every three or four hours will keep you in balance.

Eating Protein The Right Way

Saving up your daily protein allotment so you can indulge in a 16 ounce steak for dinner doesn't work because it forces the body to go a long time without any protein and then suddenly it gets much more than it needs. That causes it to burn muscle during the lean times, and later convert all that extra meat protein into fat... two unwanted side effects that will derail even the best weight loss diet.

Here are some tips:

Eat small protein portions every 3 to 4 hours each day.
Eat only one protein serving four times a day, don't double them up in one meal.
Don't skip a protein meal; and don't eat a large protein meal.
Choose proteins from a low fat or no fat food source.

Fruits and Veggies

Fruit may be sweet and loaded with fruit sugar, but it's the good kind of sugar that can take the place of other sweets in your weight loss diet. The fiber and water content make it a healthy snack that appeases your sugar cravings. And it has been shown to help reduce obesity, high blood pressure, and cancer. So bring on the fructose!

With the exception of starchy vegetables, you really can't overdose on veggies - low in calories, lots of fiber and nutrients, they should be part of every lunch, dinner and snack.

Beware restaurant vegetables drowning in butter or rich salad dressings. Instead, try them steamed or raw with herbs and spices for flavoring. Treat yourself to veggies with low cal dips and sauces (such as plain yogurt, soya sauce, hummus etc).


One of the reasons that dairy products like whole milk, cheese, sour cream and whipped cream taste so good is their high fat content. They contain carbohydrates, protein and lots of fat.

So for this weight loss diet, we recommend skim milk or low fat milk and dairy products. Cut down on the amount of cheese and cream products you consume or substitute with soy alternatives and yogurts.


We love fatty foods because the fat in them tends to stay in the mouth longer, prolonging the happy sensation of eating even when the food has been swallowed. For this reason, we gravitate towards fatty foods and they are largely responsible for today's high rates of obesity.

How much fat is acceptable? If you're on a weight loss diet, you should aim for about 20 grams of fat a day. That's about the equivalent of 4 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Not very much, right? Here are some tips on how to restrict your fat intake.

Six Ways to Reduce Your Fat Calories:

Eliminate the highest fat foods that you feel you could live without (eg: the breakfast donut).
Substitute low fat or non fat versions of foods you can't live without (the mayo on your sandwich).
Eat only in moderation the remaining fats that you can't do without (the cream in your coffee).
Eat fruits, veggies and low fat protein snacks instead of fatty snacks.
Instead of frying food, trying grilling, steaming or baking.
Actively shop for low fat or fat free products in the supermarket.

The good news: Once you start eating less fat, your brain will start ratcheting down your fat cravings. And you will find your desire for greasy, fattening foods will diminish greatly.

Finally, for those who are significantly overweight or obese and for whom ordinary diets alone don't work, there is an FDA-approved medication available. When used along with a healthy weight loss diet and an active life, products like Xenical can be beneficial.

Learn more about Xenical here at, then ask your doctor if it's suitable for you.

Antonio LeMaire - Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising. Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: - Online Pharmacy. For more information about how to choose an online pharmacy or to find out whether an online prescription is right for you, visit the online pharmacy knowledge base at at

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Weight Loss Information To Get Beyond the Dieting Plateau

By Antonio LeMaire

Understanding Weight Loss

Can't Lose More Weight? Hit a Plateau?

Weight Loss Information To Help You Get Past the Dieting Wall

Your diet is chugging along well. You lost 2 pounds the first week. 1.5 the next. Then suddenly you gained a pound! And after that, nothing would come off. What's going on!?

It's common to hit a dieting plateau where progress grinds to a halt. It's understandable. After all, to lose just one pound, you need to sacrifice 3500 calories. No wonder losing weight takes so long! You're bound to experience stalls along the way.

In this article, we'll examine why these plateaus happen and how to avoid getting discouraged and giving up on your diet plan. It's the kind of weight loss information everyone embarking on a diet should be aware of.

Why You Stop Losing Weight

Have you set realistic goals? Studies show that it's almost impossible to lose more than one or two pounds a week. So don't be disappointed if it isn't melting off faster than that.

Are you being loyal to your diet? Cheating once in a while is expected but regularly deviating from the program or skipping your daily exercise can throw your progress off course. Here's a daily checklist you can run to police yourself:

Did I follow my weight loss plan faithfully today?
Did I drink 8 glasses of water or more?
Did I avoid eating too much salt or salty foods?
Did I balance my carb and protein intake, avoiding excess carbs?
Did I avoid eating processed foods?
Did I eat more calories early in the day and less later on?
Did I say no to after-dinner munching?
Did I exercise today?
Did I stay away from the scale?
Why is #9 such an important piece of weight loss information? Weighing yourself too frequently is discouraging so limit weigh-ins to once a week. Even so, your weight may fluctuate. But that's no reason to conclude the diet isn't working. There are many other reasons for up and down weight: constipation, large meals, drinking water before a weigh-in, water retention, wearing different clothing for weigh-ins, illness, hormones, and plain old cheating on the diet.

So stick with the eating plan regardless of these fluctuations... remember, you're in it for the long haul!

Why You Plateau

If you've been faithful to the diet plan but your weight hasn't changed for a few weeks, you've plateaued. Here's a little known piece of weight loss information: most people on a diet hit a plateau before they reach their ideal weight. It's because our bodies don't like change and try to keep body weight static.

Another startling nugget of weight loss information: fat cells never go away. You can only make them smaller or bigger. And they resist shrinkage! This is another reason you may have hit a plateau.

But just remember, plateaus don't last forever. They are temporary hurdles thrown in your path by a physiology that doesn't like change. But you can change it.

Plateau-Busting Tips

Increase the protein in your meals, eating cheese and nuts for snacks.
Keep carbs down by avoiding white flour, sugar and starchy veggies like corn and potatoes.
Eat frequent small meals that contain protein but very little fat.
Increase activity level and make it more rigorous.
Drink more water.
Don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed, especially high carb foods.
Reduce daily calorie intake but don't go below 1000 as this affects metabolism.
These plateau breakers are a short term plan and shouldn't be used continuously. Use them for a few days and then return to your regular program for weight loss. Information on this subject can be found throughout the Weight Loss Information Center of the website.

Visit the Weight Loss Information Center home page or use the menu on this page to select other articles.

If you are very overweight or obese, ask your doctor about Xenical. It's a prescription medication that has been shown to block fats from being absorbed in most users. Along with a sensible weight loss program and exercise, Xenical may be effective for you.

Useful Links:

Antonio LeMaire - Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising. Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: - Online Pharmacy. For more information about how to choose an online pharmacy or to find out whether an online prescription is right for you, visit the online pharmacy knowledge base at at

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Back to the Basics of Weight Loss: Nutrients

By Antonio LeMaire

Nutrients: Their Vital Role in Weight Loss

Weight loss programs traditionally focus on calorie reduction. But we now know that effective and healthy weight loss is about more than that. A smart and sustainable weight loss diet needs to include the right amounts of ALL nutrient categories: water, carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

This nutrient guide will introduce you to all of these nutrient types and illustrate how to incorporate them into a workable weight loss plan.


This is the most basic and important nutrient in any diet, whether your goal is weight loss or weight maintenance. Almost every physiological process of your body relies on hydration to work properly. On average, adults need 2 liters of water a day. So whether you are thirsty or not, make it a habit to drink at least 8 glasses a day. And if your weight loss regime includes exercise, which it should, you may need more water than that to replace fluids lost to perspiration.


Oh, those controversial carbs. With so much focus on weight loss, carbs have gotten a bad name. But there are good carbs (the complex carbohydrates) and bad ones (simple or refined carbs). Knowing how to tell them apart can make a big difference in your general health and in reaching your weight loss goals.

Unrefined grains, cereals, beans and peas, and vegetables are good sources of complex carbs. Maximize them in your diet and minimize the refined carbs, which tend to create weight problems for most of us. Things like: white flour products, white rice, sugar and sugar products like sucrose, dextrose, maltose, glucose and syrup. The only good form of sugar is fructose, or fruit sugar. That's why a sensible weight loss diet includes fruits instead of sweetened desserts.

Warning: Eliminating carbs completely while dieting will only make it harder to return to a "normal" pattern of eating once the diet is over. Eating the right kind of carbs in moderation is the key to success.


High protein weight loss diets have received a lot of attention because they help the body burn off fat. If your body is deprived of carbs, it has to burn something. But there are negative health effects associated with this kind of rapid weight loss that can be very serious. And for that reason, many dietitians no longer recommend it.

Instead, they say opt for a balanced diet that meets these simple standards:
Low fat, with only small amounts of polyunsaturated fats
High fiber
Lean meats/fish
High complex carbohydrates
Low fat dairy products
More aerobic exercise

Fat has been demonized in modern culture as we tend to lump all fats together. But in fact, your skin, hair and nails require essential fatty acids (EFA) to be healthy and strong. So do all your cells. So eliminating all fats from the diet is counterproductive to your healthy weight loss goals.

EFAs are found in foods like fatty fish, wheat germ, nuts, seeds, soybeans, corn oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil (the last 3 should be taken sparingly). Mono unsaturated fats like canola, olive and peanut oil are considered "good fats" as they can protect against heart disease.

Fats to avoid: Saturated fats like butter, shortening, palm oil, coconut oil, cream and full fat dairy products, fatty meats, hydrogenated fats usually found in margarines and packaged snack foods.

How to Read Food Labels

Your weight loss plan can only succeed if you become religious about reading food labels. That way, you can truly control what you eat and how much of it. Here are the markers to look for:

Total Fat: the less the better. Four grams or less is good, two grams or less is best.

Types of Fat: Avoid saturated. Seek out products with mono or poly unsaturated fats.

Calories from Fat: 20% is the ideal amount for weight loss purposes.

Sodium: Choose foods with less than 300 mg of sodium per serving.

Fiber: 30 grams per day is a good goal.

Sugar: Also labeled as sucrose, dextrose, maltose, corn syrup, brown sugar, etc. Keep intake as low as possible.

Daily Values: These are based on a diet of 2,000 to 2,500 per day, too high for most people on a weight loss diet. So the DV listing may not be useful to you.

Nutrients in Weight Loss: Summary

As you can see, being very familiar with the nutrients you consume is vital to achieving your weight loss goals. And the best part is that sensible eating is the only sort of diet that is sustainable and can easily be continued for life. So your weight loss accomplishments can be achieved and then maintained for years to come.

Useful Links:

Antonio LeMaire - Search Engine Optimization expert, boasting over 7 years of algorithmic search and paid search advertising. Helping a number of Online Pharmacies like: - Online Pharmacy. For more information about how to choose an online pharmacy or to find out whether an online prescription is right for you, visit the online pharmacy knowledge base at at

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Weight Loss the Natural Way

Almost everybody struggles with their weight at some point in their lives. For most of us, this turns into an ongoing struggle that only gets more difficult as we get older. Unless we are able to get a handle on our weight, it may become more and more difficult for us to lose it. Even though all of us would enjoy having some kind of pill that would magically melt the weight off of us, it just isn't that easy. That isn't to say, however, that we can't help our weight loss along through the use of herbal supplements.

Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. If we take in more calories than we are burning off during the day we will gain weight. On the other hand, if we keep ourselves at a deficit, as far as calories are concerned, we will lose weight on a daily basis. Many of us have several things that are working against this weight loss, such as poor dietary habits, a slow metabolism and lack of physical activity. If you have a strong desire to lose weight but do not have the time or motivation to do so, these herbal supplements may be able to help you overcome your problems.

The first type of herbal supplements that you can take actually helps to curb your appetite. I don't know about you, but I often find myself eating when I'm not really hungry. At times, especially when I'm stressed out, it seems like I could eat all day long. By taking an herbal supplement to help control your appetite, you take this compulsive eating away from yourself. You might find that this is all you really need in order to begin losing weight. Once you see the weight start to come off, you would be surprised at how motivating it can be.

Another problem that we have to deal with is slow metabolism. This can be as a result of a glandular problem, such as low thyroid or a simple matter of lack of physical exercise. There are herbal supplements that will be able to help you to pick up your metabolism and balance your body out. This will have the effect of helping you to burn additional calories throughout the day and even while you are sleeping. If you are at a slight calorie surplus now, these supplements may put you at a deficit without changing your eating habits at all.

Of course, the best way to combat weight loss through the use of supplements is by combining these two. By taking a multi-supplement that helps to curb your appetite and build up your metabolism at the same time, you're giving weight loss efforts the 1-2 punch. Not only will you be eating fewer calories, you will be burning them at a faster rate. It's one of the easiest ways to kick start your waist loss program and get yourself on the road to that trim body you have been dreaming about.

Inform yourself about natural weight loss Rice N Shine


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