Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Natural Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss Requres A Combined Approach

There are several aspects to be considered and implemented when one is trying to achieve natural weight loss. While many people search for some magic pill or supplement, or try to find the perfect diet or look to the latest exercise fad, the reality is that a combination approach is usually necessary to actually get good, lasting results.

There are numerous natural weight loss products on the market, and more seem to pop up every day. Each promises to be nearly miraculous in it's effects and people buy the latest and greatest weight loss aid with eager anticipation, hoping that it will finally be the answer to their weight problems. They want to believe that a pill, or a patch, or a tea, etc.. will be all they need to lose weight and that diet and exercise won't be necessary (because dieting and exercising are difficult). Even though deep down they probably know that the latest weight loss miracle being hyped is no better than all the things they've tried before, they want to believe it will work, and so they buy it, only to be disappointed again.

Now this is not to say that natural weight loss aids are all completely worthless. In fact, many do exactly what they are supposed to do. For example, hoodia gordonii (at least the real stuff) does seem to be a very effective appetite suppressant. So, if the main reason that you have trouble losing weight is because you have out of control hunger that makes you eat excssively, hoodia may be a big help. The thing is, the vast majority of people do not overeat, or eat too much of the wrong things, because they are hungry. They may eat out of boredom, out of habit, out of a need to satisfy a craving, or out of a need to soothe some emotional issue they are dealing with, but they don't eat out of hunger. Hoodia is not going to help you if you aren't eating out of hunger.

Other natural weight loss aids may work by increasing the metabolic effects of diet and exercise. Well, if you aren't doing any kind of consistent diet and exercise program, the benefits of such products will be minimal at best.

Some natural weight loss aids block the absorption of fat by the digestive tract and thereby lower the calories you absorb from each meal. While this does tend to help with weight loss, unless you stop eating everything except fat (which is not a good idea), you still are taking in other calories that, in excess, will be converted to fat AFTER they are absorbed from the digestive tract. Here again a consistent diet and exercise program is needed to get maximum effects.

By now, you have probably figured out that one of the main points of this article is that if you want to achieve natural weight loss, at least long-term, you MUST incorporate a healthy diet and exercise program. No weight loss aid, natural or otherwise will by itself make you lose weight and keep it off. In fact, the ads for weight loss aids will usually state this very thing, even though it is in microscopic print at the bottom of the ad.

So, the foundations of natural weight loss are diet and exercise. With a good diet and exercise program in place, you may get additional benefits from using one or more of the natural weight loss products on the market. But do your research to find a product that serves your particular needs. In other words, if you're not overeating out of hunger, don't buy an appetite suppressant. If you're already minimizing your fat intake, don't waste your money on a fat blocker.

Now, once you have your weight loss plan in place with your diet, exercise program, and whatever natural weight loss aids you choose to use, there's one little thing that needs to happen for you to successfully lose weight. You have to stick to the program! If there's one thing that renders the vast majority of natural weight loss efforts ineffective, it's a lack of follow-through.

It has been my experience that very few people stick to a natural weight loss program consistently for more than two weeks at a time. Sure, some of them may "try to lose weight" for months at a time, but they cheat so often and they are so inconsistent with their efforts, they fail to make any real progress.

Recent research comparing different natural weight loss approaches found something very interesting. The overall success rates of most of the currently popular diet programs were about the same. The success or failure of any given diet had little to do with what the approach was. In other words, low carb, low fat, calorie restriction, eating for blood type, etc., really didn't matter. What mattered was whether or not the individual stuck to the program! To sum it up, it doesn't matter so much what you do to lose weight (within reason), as much as it matters that you do it consistenty long-term!

To follow-through with your natural weight loss plan, you MUST get control of your mind. There are many ways to do this and many different techniques that work to varying degrees for different people. You can get a lot of help in this area with products from Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, and others, as well as through technologies like hypnosis, the Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom Technique. You may need to try several methods to find what works well for you.

Whatever method you use, the real secret to natural weight loss success has little to do with the latest weight loss product or the newest diet or exercise fad. The real secret is to choose a reasonable approach that includes diet, exercise (choose an exercise you are physically capable of doing - starting with advanced kickboxing if you've been a couch potato your whole life is not going to work!), and possibly one or more weight loss aids and then make that program a part of your daily life forever. And the way to make that happen is to take control of your mind and get your brain working with you rather than against you. Good luck!

Dr. George Best has been in private practice as a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas since 1992. For more information, to obtain a free natural weight loss guide, and/or to access his E-Book, "Training Your Brain For Weight Loss", please visit his website on Natural Weight Loss.

Natural Weight Loss Begins Between Your Ears

There are huge numbers of weight loss methods and products on the market. Weight loss continues to be a popular goal, yet one that is rarely achieved in our society. While there are certainly extreme measures like surgery and drugs that can promote weight loss, these methods come with significant risks and drawbacks, which is why many people continually seek out and try more natural weight loss approaches.

Ultimately, natural weight loss comes down to some combination of diet and exercise. Although many approaches favor one or the other, the reality is that both diet and exercise are equally important and weight loss occurs much more rapidly with a combined approach. Although there are some weight loss aids that can assist with weight loss and potentially enhance the effects of diet and exercise, there really is not a substitute for diet and exercise.

There is much debate as to what works and what doesn't. On the diet front, some will proclaim Atkin's and other low or no carbohydrate approaches to be the only effective diet strategy. Others may insist that calorie restriction is the way to go. Still others may insist on the low-fat approach. The fact of the matter is that all of these diet systems work at least some of the time.

As with diet, there is considerable debate as to what exercise approach works best for weight loss. Some say you have to do high intensity "interval training". Some favor the long-time, low- intensity aerobic approach. Still others say any increase in any kind of physical activity works just fine. Again, all of these appoaches work at least for some people.

Various recent research studies into the vast array of weight loss approaches has come to a rather interesting conclusion: All weight loss approaches that are based on physiologically-sound principles seem to have about the same statistical success rate. What research has found to be the most critical factor in whether or not a weight loss approach is effective is... whether or not the person sticks to the program long-term.

It has been my experience in clinical practice that very few people stick to ANY weight loss plan (at least natural weight loss plans - not some type of weight loss drug) for more than about two weeks straight. Yes, some may stay on a weight loss plan for several months, but most are not consistent over that period of time. Most people start a diet and/or exercise program and will go for a few days, then get off-track for a few days, then go back on and off the program repeatedly. The times when they are off the program largely negate whatever progress they make while they are on the program.

Based on my experience with people trying to lose weight, the biggest factor in losing weight is not the diet or exercise the person is doing, it's the person's consistency with whatever he or she is doing. The ability to be consistent with a natural weight loss program comes down to motivation and will-power. In other words, if you're going to lose weight and keep it off, you MUST get control of your mind so that you can have sufficient motivation and will-power to stick to the weight loss plan.

Developing motivation and will-power requires more than just deciding to lose weight. You must be able to handle all sorts of temptations and resist them. Unfortunately, most human beings are not born with the natural ability to resist temptations, and without proper preparation, it is far to easy for temptation to overcome one's motivation and will-power to lose weight. For this reason, I recommend using a variety of mental conditioning techniques BEFORE one begins a natural weight loss plan. By preparing the mind in advance, one is far more able to resist temptation and stay sufficiently motivated to stick to the plan.

Among the most useful techniques I have found for this purpose include Neuro-Linguistic Progamming, Neuro-Associative Conditioning (developed by Anthony Robbins), various forms of self-hypnosis, the Sedona Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, and simply taking the time to clearly identify one's reasons for wanting to lose weight in the first place. By using any or all of these methods, temptation can be largely eliminated and one is able to stick with his or her diet and/or exercise program long-term, which allows for consistent weight loss and maintenance of one's weight once the goal is achieved.

Dr. George Best is the author of the E-Books, "Training Your Brain For Weight Loss" and "The Total Solution For The Weight Loss Impaired". For more information, please visit Natural Weight Loss.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Quick Weight Loss

Quick Weight Loss Diets How Do You Know If They are Working?

I come across individuals all the time that tell me they have followed a Quick Weight Loss diet, but don't know if it worked or not.

What do you mean you don't know if it worked or not?

Did you lose weight? Did your body fat percentage decrease? You have to know if it worked or not.

I then ask them if they took any measurements and body fat calculations at the beginning of the Quick Weight Loss diet.

Usually the answer is no.

So I guess they are really telling the truth about not knowing if they lost any weight or not. Generally they say they got on the scale in the beginning and then weighed themselves at the end.

The scale can give you some answers, but it won't tell you the whole story on whether or not your Quick Weight Loss diet is successful. It can also give you plenty of false numbers along the way that will discourage your efforts.

To be successful at fast weight loss you need to be obviously eating properly, but also strength training. Strength training produces lean body mass which is weight on the scale, but looks great on your body and is key to keeping the fat off once you have lost it.

If I only used the scale as my measuring tool and I lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of lean muscle the scale would tell me that I only lost 5 pounds.

I would think that I failed.

If I took before measurements, pictures and body fat calculations I would know that I lost 8% body fat, 4 inches off my waist and gained 5 pounds of lean body mass.

I now know that my Quick Weight Loss diet was successful. The scale didn't tell me those numbers.

Before you start any exercise or Quick Weight Loss diet program make sure that you not only take before pictures, but you also find out what your body fat percentage is and your circumference measurements.

This way you have all the evaluative tools to tell you if a program is successful or not. It will also tell you if you need to modify that program so that you see better and quicker results.

I advise those looking to follow a Quick Weight Loss diet program to start with all these baseline measurements and re-take them every 2-3 weeks to re-evaluate your progress. This will ensure that you know quickly if you need to modify anything with your exercise or diet program so that you can garner more successful weight loss.

Don't just assume a Quick Weight Loss diet program is going to work. You have to measure the results and make modifications to suit you individually. This is the way to guarantee successful weight loss.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, grab this free fat loss report which details 36 potent foods for boosting your metabolism and how to lose weight fast

Weight Loss Success - 6 Quick Tips

By Kathryn O'Neill

Want weight loss success? Before you can succeed at weight loss, you have to know the main reason why people fail.

The main reason many people give up on losing weight is because they try quick fad diets instead of making real lifestyle changes. This actually backfires not only because they don't lose weight, but they damage their self-esteem in the process ("Why can't I lose weight? I must be a failure at dieting").

This ultimately leads them to stop trying - when the truth is that almost anybody can lose weight, regardless of past history with diets.

But here's the key: weight loss success is the result of long-lasting lifestyle changes in one's thinking, diet, and exercise - not a quick 2 week fad diet.

To help you kick-start your weight loss, here are some basic dos and don'ts of healthy eating, which will help you become your own weight loss success story.

DO: Focus on eating healthy foods instead of focusing on what you can't have ('junk foods'). It's a basic psychological principle that we are drawn to what we focus on.

Think about what you can incorporate into your diet to make it healthier. This gives you a more positive focus instead of that dreaded diet 'deprivation' mentality.

Food pyramids generally recommend incorporating a lot of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. These can taste delicious and give you tons of energy after eating them.

Also, take some time and read about the benefits of healthy foods. This will help you to want to eat them and you'll also feel better about yourself when you eat them (because you know how much they're helping your body).

DO: Divide up your daily caloric intake into several small meals. Eating several small meals while you try to lose weight will help you feel satisfied rather than hungry. (Hunger is the enemy of all dieting plans!)

Fresh fruits and/or vegetables make great snacks. Other healthy snacks include whole grain pretzels, low-fat yogurt, peanut butter on whole grain crackers, low fat string cheese, whole grain cereal, and 100-calorie packs.

By doing this you also help to keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day and your insulin levels lower (insulin, among other things, signals your body to store fat).

DO: Exercise. Most weight loss success stories incorporate some sort of exercise into their daily or weekly routine.

Physical activity is good for your body and mind. Try to find exercise you enjoy rather than something you don't like - because if you don't enjoy it, you won't stick with it.

Take a daily walk with a friend. Run a mile each day. Take a bike ride. In general, you should combine strength training exercise with aerobic or heart-pumping exercise. Strength training can include lifting weights or doing some challenging stretches.

Exercise is also a great way to stretch your caloric budget every day as regular exercise helps to build and increase metabolism.

Physical activity won't undo the effects of a poor, high calorie diet. But it can give you that little edge, especially when you know you're going to be eating extra calories that day or for a special occasion.

DON'T: Don't cut "unhealthy" foods completely out of your diet. Cutting unhealthy foods, such as cookies, cake, brownies, and ice cream completely out of your diet will only leave you craving these foods.

In turn, it may lead to overeating these foods once you finally give in to temptation.

Instead, eat unhealthy food in moderation. If you are craving ice cream, for example, eat one 1/2 cup serving. If you are craving a chocolate chip cookie, eat a small to medium sized cookie.

Eating unhealthy food in moderation won't ruin your diet and can actually help you lose weight faster since you don't feel deprived.

DON'T: Don't avoid fat completely. Having fat in your daily diet is healthy.

In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, fat helps your body in numerous ways including giving you energy, aiding in the production of hormones that help your body clot blood, constrict blood vessels, and regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Fat also carries vitamins to the blood, helps protect your organs, maintains healthy skin and hair, and helps keep your body insulated. It is important however to know what fats are good and bad for you.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for you. These fats can be found in canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, fruits, corn oil, fish, nuts, and flaxseed. Cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fats should be avoided whenever you can.

Foods that contain these types of fats include, but are not limited to, beef, pork, veal, dairy products that contain 2% or whole milk, butter, palm oil, and lard.

According to the American Heart Association, people should limit their daily fat intake to less than 25-30% of all calories consumed.

Additionally, the organization recommends individuals limit their cholesterol intake to 300mg. per day, trans fat intake to 1% of caloric intake, and saturated fat to less than 7% of caloric intake each day.

DON'T: Don't use food to cope with stressful or upsetting situations. This is a big one as many people ruin their diets because they can't stop stress eating.

Invest time into finding healthier ways to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Healthy ways to cope with feelings include writing in a journal, taking a walk, reading a book, talking with a friend, and listening to music.

So there you have some tips for jump-starting your weight loss success plan. Remember that true weight loss success stems from a lifestyle change so incorporate these changes at your own pace.

Do what you can and build new 'thin' habits into your life at a pace that feels comfortable for you. If you're committed and take the steps above, you're well on your way to losing weight and keeping it off for good.

About the Author: Kate Fox writes for Diet Food Delivery - offering reviews of Diet Meal Delivery services. It's been proven that people lose more weight when they eat prepared meals. For more information on Diet Meal Delivery services visit the Diet Delivery Services page.

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Quick Weight Loss - Not All it's Cracked up to be?

Is Quick Weight Loss a good idea? It all depends what you consider 'quick'. Some people follow what used to be called 'crash' diets, eating next to nothing for a limited period of time in an attempt to lose weight as quickly as possible. This is seldom a good idea, for several reasons. First, super Quick Weight Loss necessitates following such a restrictive diet that the dieter is more than likely to feel deprived - indeed, he or she has an excellent reason for feeling this way!

A diet very low in calories is unlikely to provide adequate nutrition, so it leaves you feeling hungry, deprived and resentful. People have different reactions to this; some rebel, while others are convinced that they don't deserve to eat normally and that they'll never be able to, without gainin weight. In other words, crash diets set the stage for future eating disorders.

Also, very Quick Weight Loss seldom stays off. That's because most people's bodies tend to have two metabolism 'settings', probably left over from those of early humans. When food is plentiful, it is consumed as needed, and the excess is stored in the form of fat. But when food is scarce (like during a restrictive diet) your body is convinced that it's going through a 'famine' time, and metolism slows down to conserve energy.

If you're after Quick Weight Loss, that's the last thing that you want, of course. And after you start to eat normally again, your body might still think that it's in a famine and needs to hold on to every bit of energy it can. In fact, some chronic dieters succeed in permanently slowing down their metabolism to the point where they end up gaining more weight than they ever lost in the first place. That's because lost muscle weight can sometimes be replaced by an equal volume of fat.

The real key to Quick Weight Loss, therefore, is not cutting calories but increasing activity so that you burn more of them more quickly. Consider the fact that ballet dancers can lose up to five pounds in a single performance - now that's Quick Weight Loss! Of course, most of us will never be active enough to lose weight that quickly, but certainly a daily workout, long or short, can help get you on the road to Quick Weight Loss. An exercise program coupled with watching what you eat is absolutely optimal in allowing you to lose weight fast. Don't be tempted by gimmicks or pills, though; at best, they are likely to be waste of money, and at worst, they can be downright dangerous.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the #1 rated weight loss diet. Would you like to try some sample free diet pills? For a limited time you can get a 2 week supply of Lyse XL for free by visiting: diet pills

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Quick Weight Loss

Quick Weight Loss Diets How Do You Know If They are Working?

I come across individuals all the time that tell me they have followed a Quick Weight Loss diet, but don't know if it worked or not.

What do you mean you don't know if it worked or not?

Did you lose weight? Did your body fat percentage decrease? You have to know if it worked or not.

I then ask them if they took any measurements and body fat calculations at the beginning of the Quick Weight Loss diet.

Usually the answer is no.

So I guess they are really telling the truth about not knowing if they lost any weight or not. Generally they say they got on the scale in the beginning and then weighed themselves at the end.

The scale can give you some answers, but it won't tell you the whole story on whether or not your Quick Weight Loss diet is successful. It can also give you plenty of false numbers along the way that will discourage your efforts.

To be successful at fast weight loss you need to be obviously eating properly, but also strength training. Strength training produces lean body mass which is weight on the scale, but looks great on your body and is key to keeping the fat off once you have lost it.

If I only used the scale as my measuring tool and I lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of lean muscle the scale would tell me that I only lost 5 pounds.

I would think that I failed.

If I took before measurements, pictures and body fat calculations I would know that I lost 8% body fat, 4 inches off my waist and gained 5 pounds of lean body mass.

I now know that my Quick Weight Loss diet was successful. The scale didn't tell me those numbers.

Before you start any exercise or Quick Weight Loss diet program make sure that you not only take before pictures, but you also find out what your body fat percentage is and your circumference measurements.

This way you have all the evaluative tools to tell you if a program is successful or not. It will also tell you if you need to modify that program so that you see better and quicker results.

I advise those looking to follow a Quick Weight Loss diet program to start with all these baseline measurements and re-take them every 2-3 weeks to re-evaluate your progress. This will ensure that you know quickly if you need to modify anything with your exercise or diet program so that you can garner more successful weight loss.

Don't just assume a Quick Weight Loss diet program is going to work. You have to measure the results and make modifications to suit you individually. This is the way to guarantee successful weight loss.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, grab this free fat loss report which details 36 potent foods for boosting your metabolism and how to lose weight fast

Weight Loss Success - 6 Quick Tips

By Kathryn O'Neill

Want weight loss success? Before you can succeed at weight loss, you have to know the main reason why people fail.

The main reason many people give up on losing weight is because they try quick fad diets instead of making real lifestyle changes. This actually backfires not only because they don't lose weight, but they damage their self-esteem in the process ("Why can't I lose weight? I must be a failure at dieting").

This ultimately leads them to stop trying - when the truth is that almost anybody can lose weight, regardless of past history with diets.

But here's the key: weight loss success is the result of long-lasting lifestyle changes in one's thinking, diet, and exercise - not a quick 2 week fad diet.

To help you kick-start your weight loss, here are some basic dos and don'ts of healthy eating, which will help you become your own weight loss success story.

DO: Focus on eating healthy foods instead of focusing on what you can't have ('junk foods'). It's a basic psychological principle that we are drawn to what we focus on.

Think about what you can incorporate into your diet to make it healthier. This gives you a more positive focus instead of that dreaded diet 'deprivation' mentality.

Food pyramids generally recommend incorporating a lot of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. These can taste delicious and give you tons of energy after eating them.

Also, take some time and read about the benefits of healthy foods. This will help you to want to eat them and you'll also feel better about yourself when you eat them (because you know how much they're helping your body).

DO: Divide up your daily caloric intake into several small meals. Eating several small meals while you try to lose weight will help you feel satisfied rather than hungry. (Hunger is the enemy of all dieting plans!)

Fresh fruits and/or vegetables make great snacks. Other healthy snacks include whole grain pretzels, low-fat yogurt, peanut butter on whole grain crackers, low fat string cheese, whole grain cereal, and 100-calorie packs.

By doing this you also help to keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day and your insulin levels lower (insulin, among other things, signals your body to store fat).

DO: Exercise. Most weight loss success stories incorporate some sort of exercise into their daily or weekly routine.

Physical activity is good for your body and mind. Try to find exercise you enjoy rather than something you don't like - because if you don't enjoy it, you won't stick with it.

Take a daily walk with a friend. Run a mile each day. Take a bike ride. In general, you should combine strength training exercise with aerobic or heart-pumping exercise. Strength training can include lifting weights or doing some challenging stretches.

Exercise is also a great way to stretch your caloric budget every day as regular exercise helps to build and increase metabolism.

Physical activity won't undo the effects of a poor, high calorie diet. But it can give you that little edge, especially when you know you're going to be eating extra calories that day or for a special occasion.

DON'T: Don't cut "unhealthy" foods completely out of your diet. Cutting unhealthy foods, such as cookies, cake, brownies, and ice cream completely out of your diet will only leave you craving these foods.

In turn, it may lead to overeating these foods once you finally give in to temptation.

Instead, eat unhealthy food in moderation. If you are craving ice cream, for example, eat one 1/2 cup serving. If you are craving a chocolate chip cookie, eat a small to medium sized cookie.

Eating unhealthy food in moderation won't ruin your diet and can actually help you lose weight faster since you don't feel deprived.

DON'T: Don't avoid fat completely. Having fat in your daily diet is healthy.

In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, fat helps your body in numerous ways including giving you energy, aiding in the production of hormones that help your body clot blood, constrict blood vessels, and regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Fat also carries vitamins to the blood, helps protect your organs, maintains healthy skin and hair, and helps keep your body insulated. It is important however to know what fats are good and bad for you.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for you. These fats can be found in canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, fruits, corn oil, fish, nuts, and flaxseed. Cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fats should be avoided whenever you can.

Foods that contain these types of fats include, but are not limited to, beef, pork, veal, dairy products that contain 2% or whole milk, butter, palm oil, and lard.

According to the American Heart Association, people should limit their daily fat intake to less than 25-30% of all calories consumed.

Additionally, the organization recommends individuals limit their cholesterol intake to 300mg. per day, trans fat intake to 1% of caloric intake, and saturated fat to less than 7% of caloric intake each day.

DON'T: Don't use food to cope with stressful or upsetting situations. This is a big one as many people ruin their diets because they can't stop stress eating.

Invest time into finding healthier ways to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Healthy ways to cope with feelings include writing in a journal, taking a walk, reading a book, talking with a friend, and listening to music.

So there you have some tips for jump-starting your weight loss success plan. Remember that true weight loss success stems from a lifestyle change so incorporate these changes at your own pace.

Do what you can and build new 'thin' habits into your life at a pace that feels comfortable for you. If you're committed and take the steps above, you're well on your way to losing weight and keeping it off for good.

About the Author: Kate Fox writes for Diet Food Delivery - offering reviews of Diet Meal Delivery services. It's been proven that people lose more weight when they eat prepared meals. For more information on Diet Meal Delivery services visit the Diet Delivery Services page.

Permanent Link:

Quick Weight Loss - Not All it's Cracked up to be?

Is Quick Weight Loss a good idea? It all depends what you consider 'quick'. Some people follow what used to be called 'crash' diets, eating next to nothing for a limited period of time in an attempt to lose weight as quickly as possible. This is seldom a good idea, for several reasons. First, super Quick Weight Loss necessitates following such a restrictive diet that the dieter is more than likely to feel deprived - indeed, he or she has an excellent reason for feeling this way!

A diet very low in calories is unlikely to provide adequate nutrition, so it leaves you feeling hungry, deprived and resentful. People have different reactions to this; some rebel, while others are convinced that they don't deserve to eat normally and that they'll never be able to, without gainin weight. In other words, crash diets set the stage for future eating disorders.

Also, very Quick Weight Loss seldom stays off. That's because most people's bodies tend to have two metabolism 'settings', probably left over from those of early humans. When food is plentiful, it is consumed as needed, and the excess is stored in the form of fat. But when food is scarce (like during a restrictive diet) your body is convinced that it's going through a 'famine' time, and metolism slows down to conserve energy.

If you're after Quick Weight Loss, that's the last thing that you want, of course. And after you start to eat normally again, your body might still think that it's in a famine and needs to hold on to every bit of energy it can. In fact, some chronic dieters succeed in permanently slowing down their metabolism to the point where they end up gaining more weight than they ever lost in the first place. That's because lost muscle weight can sometimes be replaced by an equal volume of fat.

The real key to Quick Weight Loss, therefore, is not cutting calories but increasing activity so that you burn more of them more quickly. Consider the fact that ballet dancers can lose up to five pounds in a single performance - now that's Quick Weight Loss! Of course, most of us will never be active enough to lose weight that quickly, but certainly a daily workout, long or short, can help get you on the road to Quick Weight Loss. An exercise program coupled with watching what you eat is absolutely optimal in allowing you to lose weight fast. Don't be tempted by gimmicks or pills, though; at best, they are likely to be waste of money, and at worst, they can be downright dangerous.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the #1 rated weight loss diet. Would you like to try some sample free diet pills? For a limited time you can get a 2 week supply of Lyse XL for free by visiting: diet pills

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Ice Rocket : , , , , , , ,
Zooomr : , , , , , , ,
Buzznet : , , , , , , ,
Riya : , , , , , , ,
43 Things : , , , , , , ,

Friday, April 18, 2008

Belly Fat Loss and Guaranteed Fat Loss

The battle of the bulge sneaks up on the average dieter; getting rid of it, on the other hand, is a long, drawn out battle that sometimes causes so much frustration that the dieter will simply give up or even consider the more drastic aspects of surgery to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Loss of this fat is not as easy as shedding pounds from other parts of the body, but there are some tips and tricks that will make it possible. Successful belly fat loss in five easy steps starts with an enjoyable exercise: 1. Sleep. Sure, you know better than believing that you can lose weight while you sleep, but in the extended sense, you can help your body - and your belly - to shed some fat

Successful Belly Fat Loss In Five Easy Steps

By Paul Majestyck

The battle of the bulge sneaks up on the average dieter; getting rid of it, on the other hand, is a long, drawn out battle that sometimes causes so much frustration that the dieter will simply give up or even consider the more drastic aspects of surgery to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Loss of this fat is not as easy as shedding pounds from other parts of the body, but there are some tips and tricks that will make it possible.

Successful belly fat loss in five easy steps starts with an enjoyable exercise:

1. Sleep! Sure, you know better than believing that you can lose weight while you sleep, but in the extended sense, you can help your body - and your belly - to shed some fat. If you get less than five solid hours of uninterrupted sleep, your body's production of insulin is inhibited and any sugar carbs consumed are not metabolized, and calories are not burned but instead piled on as fat. Ideal are eight hours of sleep for proper functioning.

2. Exercise your abdominal muscles with sit-ups. Nobody likes doing them, but if you do five at a time, and maybe an hour or so later do another five, you will find that at the end of the day you can come up with a sizeable amount of sit-ups! Make it a matter of pride to see how many you can do in a day and then gradually work your way up.

3. Rest your abdominal muscles. It is counterproductive to keep on exercising your abs every single day in the beginning. Take a day between exercises and instead focus on different muscle groups then.

4. Reduce your dinner carb intake. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Atkins diet (and those other ones which also center on a reduced carbohydrate and increased protein intake) works because an overload of carbohydrates will metabolize into fat when eaten prior to sleep. Focus on protein and fiber rich veggies instead for dinner, and you will be rewarded with weight loss - and thus also belly fat loss.

5. Reduce your junk food intake. Yes, this is the time to get out that old food journal again and chart for one week everything you are eating. Don't worry about recording calories, just write down what it is that you are ingesting. Do not forget to also list your soda and other drink intake! At the end of the week, seek out non-essential food items you can cut down; let's say you drink 24 non-diet soft drinks per week - next week, see if you can cut it down to 20. Couple this with a few other little tweaks here and there, and you will have cut down your weekly calorie intake - and thus your belly fat development - considerably. Keep on cutting and trimming, and over the course of the year you will find that a lot of junk is eliminated and a lot of belly fat loss is recorded.

Do not give up when the going gets tough, but stick it out. Before long you will be rewarded with great results!

About the Author: Learn the exact same secret that has allowed 1,000's of people in secret to lose 100's lbs using one lady doctor's newest TOP SECRET fat loss breakthrough everyone's talking about.

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Guaranteed Fat Loss Workouts

By Paul Majestyck

The battle of the bulge is created by a sedentary lifestyle and the ingestion of high calorie foods and drinks. It takes months or even years to accumulate, and unless you opt for invasive liposuction or another kind of surgery, the only way to undo the weight is through diet modification and exercise. Fortunately, there are some guaranteed fat loss workouts even the most out of shape diet hopeful may employ on the road to a slimmer, trimmer and fitter body.

First and foremost is walking. Everyone knows how to walk and if you have the power of movement, then your legs and feet are your best assets on the road to fat loss. It does not matter if you own an expensive treadmill with an incline or instead visit the gym. As a matter of fact, if you opt for neither, why not put the pooch on the leash and walk around the block. Slowly at first, but over time speeding up and maybe adding a bit of territory, before long you will walk, burn fat, build muscle, and feel better.

If you are up for more of a challenge, then one of the many cross country skiing machines will do the trick. The gliding motion of the legs requires muscle control and with the arms swinging, you are sure to get a whole body workout. This kind of exercise is especially good for the abdominal muscles and fat loss as well as muscle toning is a guaranteed result.

Another guaranteed weight loss workout is weight lifting. Granted, if you do not belong to a gym, it is hard to find some high quality weights, but do not despair! If you own a few heavy books (think Zondervan's NIV Exhaustive Concordance or Encyclopedia Britannica) you can use them to lift them just as you would weights at the gym. In the alternative, carry them with you as you walk. The increased weight requires increased energy, which or course will result in an increase in fat burn. For an even more authentic feel, purchase two bags of cat litter, and you are on your way to fat loss!

No enumeration of guaranteed fat loss workouts would be complete without mentioning the jump rope. Joints permitting, this makes for a great workout that is sure to shed some pounds and increase your stamina. Yet if your joints and ankles are unlikely to cooperate, you will find that a modified exercise of lunges and aerobics will also build stamina and may even condition your joints and ankles to such an extent as to permit future use of the jump rope.

The last fat loss workout takes places on your dining room table and involves the lifting of your knife and fork. Granted, this is not a bona fide muscle building workout, but it sure has the power to burn some fat! As a general rule, diets don't work. What does work is behavior modification. Avoid carbohydrates for dinners and focus instead on veggies and meat. If over the course of a week you eat three bags of chips, cut it down to two. If you drink one glass of water over the course of the week, increase it to three. In other words, exercise your will power to increase the healthy food choices and decrease the not so healthy ones.

About the Author: Learn the exact same secret that has allowed 1,000's of people in secret to lose 100's lbs using one lady doctor's newest TOP SECRET fat loss breakthrough everyone's talking about.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Losing weight

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Fat No More Secrets 5 of 10 - Fat protects me from poor health and sickness

This is the fifth article of a series of 10 Fat No More Secrets. Because Losing weight is not just about dieting and exercising, it is also about identifying and letting go of the M.E.S.S. blocks that prevent your weight loss. M.E.S.S. stands for Mental, Emotional, Subconscious, and Spiritual.

Losing weight is not just about dieting or exercising as proven by the countless number of failed diets and exercise programs. First, you need to identify and let go of the many Mental, Emotional, Subconscious, and Spiritual blocks that prevent you from losing weight. I call them the M.E.S.S. blocks; they are limiting beliefs, thoughts, or fears that prevent your weight loss. If you do not let go of these blocks, you will continue to have an extremely hard time losing weight and, if you do succeed, you will continue to gain the weight back.

In certain cultures such as Asian and African cultures, there is still a perception today that thin people are not healthy and being overweight is a sign of health.

For the longest time, I, too, associated being fat with being healthy and strong. I believed subconsciously that my fat gave me strength and energy, and I would have much less of both if I was thin. I was convinced at a subconscious level that being fat or overweight was best for my health and fitness. A few years ago, as I started to get thin, I began having health problems. Once I released the belief that I could not be healthy if I was thin, my health problems disappeared.

A famous actor and singer, was recently quoted in a magazine, saying: "I could not be a size 0. I just don't see how I could get down to that size and still be healthy. It wouldn't work..." On the same note, I heard from many of my clients that they were afraid of becoming sick if they were too skinny.

If you have the subconscious belief that being fat is healthy and you cannot be healthy if you are thin, no matter how hard you try to lose weight, you will not succeed.

Being fat, then, becomes a false protection against poor health and sickness. These beliefs could not be further from the truth as obesity is a major cause of preventable death in America. Being overweight or obese increases the risks of many diseases and health conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and more.

Here are some other negative side effects of poor nutrition and being overweight: You will find you are exhausted all the time, and your energy level will be extremely low. Your liver will become unhealthy, and you will need to detoxify it regularly. You will have huge cravings for food because of a food addiction. You will have mood swings from being happy while you are eating and depressed afterwards. Your blood sugar and cholesterol will be high. Your body fat ratio will be extremely high. You will continue to gain weight. You will often be depressed when you overeat.

These distorted beliefs that being fat is healthy often come from your past generations and immediate family and you need to let them go if you have them. To ensure that you feel healthy losing weight, you need to let go of the following M.E.S.S. blocks to weight loss: "fat protects me from poor health", "I will be in poor health if I lose weight"; "thin people get sick; "I will become sick if I lose too much weight". You will not be able to achieve permanent weight loss until you let go of these distorted beliefs.

By Marylin Stompler, Author of Fat No More, Release the Subconscious Blocks that Prevent your Weight Loss - International Speaker and Life Coach, President and CEO, Fat No More Corporation, . Go to to receive your FREE eBook Fat No More Secrets, Ten Key M.E.S.S. Blocks that Could Prevent your Weight Loss.

5 fat loss myths that you must not ignore!

I recently gave a presentation to about 70 females on the subject of fat loss and the common methods we use to attempt to rid ourselves of excess body fat. During my research for the talk, I unearthed a large amount of material that supports my belief that most of the world's population are being misled in their quest for a slim, but healthy body, that so many of us crave!

Does it feel like the whole idea of fat loss is only possible for the genetically gifted...

Are you searching for the quick fix that will trim away body fat overnight?

Or are you still waiting for our "trusted" pharmaceutical companies to produce the ultimate weight loss pill that will solve worldwide obesity problems...

Sharing some of the following facts and myths with you is not going to be easy for you to stomach, I suspect that you'll be shocked, dismayed or maybe you'll feel that none of what I tell you is true.

In fact I am fairly sure you'll dispute much of what I report, so I ask you to check my sources, read for yourself the studies that I cite. You'll be as shocked as my audience when you really do discover the truth about fat loss!

Myth 1 - Skipping meals and snacks is OK if I want to lose fat! Do you skip breakfast, the odd lunch, or maybe you don't eat at all for a whole day, because you "don't feel hungry"?


There is nothing worse for your metabolism than irregular feedings.

Eating 6 meals a day compared to just 2 meals a day of the SAME caloric value total for the day, will result in more fat loss!

Check out study no.1 to discover why eating every few hours is ESSENTIAL for fat loss!

Myth 2 - A calorie is a calorie

Unfortunately NOT.

Eating a diet of refined carbs and low fat will actually make you fatter, than a diet of low carb, high fat of the same caloric value!

If you think about it we have been told by the FDA in the US to reduce the amount of Fat in our diet and replace it with carbs like bread and pasta. The food pyramid clearly showed this!

Sadly it is all those refined carbs that have been adding to our waist line and not the fats.

Study no.2, proves that a diet high in fat actually resulted in MORE fat loss!

Myth 3 - You must only train in the "fat burning zone" to lose fat!

Probably the biggest myth in the world of health and fitness today, and one that drew the most gasps and head shaking in my audience!

The fat burning zone DOES exist BUT, it is NOT an effective workout strategy for overall fat loss.

How can that be?

To be honest you don't need to read the studies to prove this, you can see for yourself in the gym. How many people do you see going to the gym week after week for months on end, doing their fat-burning zone workouts, BUT never actually changing shape?

The nail in the coffin of your fat burning zone workouts is crystal clear study no.3 comparing a 'diet only' group to a 'diet and exercise' group. The exercise consisting of a 45 minute "fat burning zone" routine, 5 days a week for 12 weeks.

The abstract from this study states: Results indicate that moderate aerobic exercise training during a 12-week period has no discernible effects on body composition.

i.e. fat burning zone workouts do nothing for losing body fat!!


Myth 4 - Calorie counters on machines are useful for fat loss...

We've all done it, waiting for the calorie counter on the treadmill or cross trainer to tick by 400 or 500 calories burnt during your workout. We can then feel all virtuous as we tuck into our post workout coffee and chocolate muffin, safe in the knowledge we have "earned" it.

Unfortunately, calories burned during your workouts are not significant when you want to lose fat!

Study no.4 compared endurance style workouts to higher intensity interval training where the number of total calories burned during the workout, was over twice as much for the endurance group than the intervals group.

You would think that the endurance group would logically lose more fat given that they have burned more calories in total? However the intervals group lost NINE times more fat than the endurance group!

Those calorie counters on your exercise bike are really worthless, my advice, cover them up!

Myth 5 - Crunches will get rid of your belly fat!

How many crunches do you do each day? 10, 20... maybe 50, 100... or maybe more?

Any self respecting fitness professional will tell you that "spot reduction" doesn't work! If it did, all the people doing 100 crunches a day would be walking around with a perfect SIX PACK, but flabby butt and thighs! It just doesn't work like that!

So quit wasting your time and effort on this ineffective exercise and have a go at doing some of the more effective methods instead...

THREE truly effective ways of getting rid of body fat

1. Drop the refined carbs from your diet. Eat more high quality proteins and unrefined carbs in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables. 2. Do some short, sharp and very effective interval workouts. 3. Get your trainer to show you some intensive ALL BODY resistance workouts, utilising large muscle groups as much as possible!

Each of these methods will achieve the necessary result of boosting your "basal metabolic rate", this is your 24/7 fat burning system in your body.

Utilise all 3 methods and fat will literally melt away!

12 weeks is a relatively short time period in your lifetime, and this is all it took for Claire to drop over 5% in body fat, and drop 2 dress sizes utilising the same three methods of fat loss. With renewed confidence in her body and her structural health too, she is now embarking on a new sporting passion of rock climbing....

So what would you do with your new body?

Whilst you may not want to believe that these 5 myths really ARE myths, I urge you to follow up on the studies I cite and see for yourself!

Better still, would be to get down to your gym, adjust your nutritional habits, and try out the EFFECTIVE methods for yourself.


Study 1. Iwao, S., Mori, K., Sato, Y. Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control in boxers. Scan J Med Sci Sports 6:265-272, 1996 Study 2. Effects of a low-fat versus a low-carbohydrate diet on adipocytokines in obese adults. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola O, Gonzalez Sagrado M, Bellioo D, Conde R. Study 3. Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Utter AC, Nieman DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN. Study 4. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body fat. Visit to get a free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weight Loss: Diet?

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Why Are You Waiting To Start A Diet?

By Hamilton Erridge

If you are someone who went for years ignoring your weight gain and not doing anything about it, can you think of a reason why it took you so long to attack the issue? Or, in simpler terms, why did you wait so long to do something about your weight problem?

As insensitive or lacking in understanding as this question may seem, this is actually something that my wife asked me a few years ago.

Of course, what makes it so funny coming from her is that she is someone who has never had a weight problem and cannot even remotely understand what it's like to overeat on a continuous basis or use food to handle stress or cravings.

Now, what she meant by her inquiry is actually very specific. Allow me to explain: From the perspective of someone who doesn't have a weight problem or any eating issues, she treats her own weight as something that needs to be handled from time-to-time.

Meaning, if she puts on a few pounds and feels that her clothes are getting tight, she simply cuts back on her eating.

So, in viewing the world from her perspective, it's literally impossible for her to understand how I could have put on 100 pounds over an extended period of time without ever stopping along the way to do something about it.

The question really has nothing to do with a single event in my life or a call to action, but it's more related to why I didn't stop the insanity along the way. Why did I choose to ignore the problem and allow the weight to build up over time?

And it is this simple question that really allowed me to get to know myself better. It allowed me to come to terms with the understanding that I wasn't necessarily ignoring the problem, but more that I was ignoring the causes.

Meaning, I personally used food to handle stress and to comfort myself. And it wasn't until I was able to get a grasp on these concepts that I even had a chance at losing the weight and keeping it off. In addition, what makes having these issues truly unique is that as an overweight person, we all literally carry our issues with us.

So, when I had reached the point of being 100 pounds overweight, it was my own personal breaking point of knowing that things had become out of control and that I needed to figure out what was going on.

In fact, what was truly funny about the process is that I started losing weight without even having a clue as to what was going on in my life to cause me to be overeating so much.

But, like two worlds that almost immediately collide, the act of dieting and the need to comfort myself had very little room for one another.

So, it was with great pain that I was able to come to terms with my own issues and carry on. However, do not think for a moment that my issues or your issues are so black and white. Meaning, they are often shades of grey, including overeating, comforting ourselves, dealing with unhappiness, and an overall lack or non-existence of exercise.

In fact, this question is often the easiest to answer for those that do have identified problems (stress or comfort eating). However, for those that have not come to terms with their own issues yet or truly put on weight because of bad eating habits or a love of food, this question can be incredibly difficult.

In many ways, whether you have issues or not, the truth is still the same. We all put on weight over an extended period of time, watched it happen in the mirror and did nothing about it.

To an outsider, it can all seem very crazy. But, to those reading this and having lived this experience, it's a very real thing and can also be equally confusing with hindsight.

But in working through this puzzle, it is also one of the biggest steps forward that you can make towards your own understanding of yourself and long-term success.

About the Author: Visit for healthy diet foods, weight loss programs, and nutritional products including a liquid diet plan.

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How Can We Lose Weight - Live It Or Diet?

By CD Mohatta

Why is it as we age, we get heavier? I feel like if I just look at food, I gain weight. I know many people in mid-life have these feelings. We start getting bigger and bigger and before long, we find that we have become plump or even fat. There are some things that we can do about gaining weight but the two main things to remember are basic to losing weight.

Can you think of the two basic things that are needed by anyone trying to lose weight? They are simple things that we always did as youngsters. They were like second nature to children to run around, playing, and eating small amounts of food at every meal. Eat less and move more. Somewhere along the line, as we began to age, we forget to follow that advice. Children always remember it.

All the advice we ever hear to "lose weight" is to go on a diet. But dieting is not the way to really lose weight because we don't want to "die" it; we want to "live" it. If we just learn to eat less food, push ourselves away from the table, stop eating when we are satisfied or measure our portions, we would be really surprised about how much food would be left over after a meal. We just need to quit eating so much!

Before we sit down to eat, or even while we are eating on the run, we need to drink a big glass of water (or bottle of water if you are on the run). Filling our stomachs first, with water which contains no calories, will make it easier to feel full quicker. Once we sit down to eat, we need to remember another important step, which is to eat slowly, so our brain has time to receive the message that our body is getting nourishment. A good way to eat slowly is to put your fork down between bites.

I think all of us are used to having our meals "super-sized". I'm not sure if that is because we think we are getting a better deal or we just actually like to eat, but many people don't even know what a single serving is anymore. I have heard weight loss experts say to skip the second helping and use that food for a smaller meal a few hours later. Plates used to be the size of a dessert plate, which is why the food serving size was more realistic. Our "super sized" mentality now has us eating off plates the size of a serving platter.

The second important part of losing weight is to jump start our metabolism. The best way to do that is to just get moving by doing some kind of exercise. The easiest way to get exercise is to walk. Walking for enjoyment is a fun, easy way to boost your metabolism and you can walk either outside in nature or inside at malls. Another idea is to park away from work or shopping malls so you have to walk. When you walk more, you can really burn off the extra weight. Try taking the steps next time instead of an elevator.

Try to modify your food intake and eat less. Also try to increase your energy level by doing more activities. Have fun doing things that burn calories, like when we were children and soon we will be a smaller size. Remember, it took a lot of time to put the weight on, so don't be impatient and get frustrated if it doesn't come off fast. You will be successful when you learn to "live it" and get healthier by eating less and moving more. And try to make friends with healthy and lean individuals. That will motivate you to lose weight faster.

About the Author: Social network users, click for myspace comments and myspace graphics. Add christmas myspace layouts to your profile.

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