Have you seen the Rachael Ray Diet on her daytime TV show? It's also better known as the flat belly diet and today I plan to review this diet and explain the pros and cons of the diet and whether you can expect to lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks as it suggests. I'll also another weight loss option that has already proven itself if you choose not to try the flat belly diet.
So how does the Flat Belly Diet Work?
The diet is based around a type of beneficial fat known as monounsaturated fat or (MUFA). The idea is that you eat a variety of foods that are high in this fat and as a result you will feel full from this and not eat other foods as a result. As well the ability of your body to burn off this fat more easily than other forms of calories is the major benefit for weight loss you can expect.
So what are the downsides to this diet?
The focus on MUFA as a way to fill you up is misleading as it has been shown that protein is the ideal food for this purpose. If that wasn't enough though to hold up an argument the major problem with this diet is the fact that it will eventually end and through the duration of this very redundant diet you will have slowed your metabolic processes as a result. This is a major problem with most diets and is the reason why people experience a rebound effect after a diet and put weight back on. Most diets have you either avoiding calories as the flat belly diet does, or has you eating a very structured schedule of the same types of foods which is yet another problem with the flat belly diet.The ideal diet focuses on your metabolism, not on avoiding calories
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Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats--A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners (A 30-Minute Meal Cookbook) (Paperback)

Even your favorite dinner can lose its appeal when it’s in constant rotation, so mix it up! With her largest collection of recipes yet, Food Network’s indefatigable cook Rachael Ray guarantees you’ll be able to put something fresh and exciting on your dinner table every night for a full year... without a single repeat!
Based on the original 30-Minute Meal cooking classes that started it all, these recipes prove that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every night. Rachael offers dozens of recipes that, once mastered, can become entirely new dishes with just a few ingredient swaps. Learn how to make a Southwestern Pasta Bake and you’ll be able to make a Smoky Chipotle Chili Con Queso Mac the next time. Try your hand at Spring Chicken with Leeks and Peas and you’re all set to turn out a rib-sticking Rice and Chicken Stoup that looks and tastes like an entirely different dish.
As a best-selling cookbook author and host of three top-rated Food Network shows, Rachael Ray believes that both cooking and eating should be fun. Drawing from her own favorite dishes as well as those of her family, friends, and celebrities, she covers the flavor spectrum from Asian to Italian and dozens of delicious stops in between. Best of all, these flavor-packed dishes will satisfy your every craving and renew your taste for cooking. With so many delicious entrees to choose from you’ll never have an excuse for being in a cooking rut again.
How about a brand-new 30-minute dinner every night for an entire year?
Tired of making the same old same old, week after week after week?
With Rachael’s most varied and comprehensive collection of 30-minute recipes ever, you’ll have everyone at your table saying “Yummo!” all year long.
It’s amazing what a half hour can do for your tastebuds … 365 days a year!
Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats--A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners (A 30-Minute Meal Cookbook)
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