Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Flat Belly Diet - Does it Work and What in the World is a MUFA?

By Candee Schneider

I'm sure you've seen it...the bright yellow book jacket that proclaims, "The Flat Belly Diet is about Food & Attitude. Period. (Not a Single Crunch Required)" The cover indeed is an attention grabber, but does it work? Is it possible that certain foods can target belly fat?

The authors think it's totally possible to get rid of belly fat..."Belly fat is not your destiny. I am delighted to tell you that you can, and you will, get rid of it."

The Flat Belly Diet was written by Prevention Magazine's vice president and editor-in-chief, Liz Vaccariello and Prevention's nutrition director, Cynthia Sass. Offered as proof, and strategically placed throughout the book, the authors have shined the spotlight on eight weight loss participants that have done a great job shedding belly fat. Their stories are interesting to read and extremely inspirational.

The diet is one of calorie restriction and there are only three simple rules to follow to reach success.

#1 Eat 1600 calories a day...4 meals (400 calories each)

#2 Never go longer than 4 hours without eating

#3 Consume a MUFA with every meal.

What in the world is a MUFA?

MUFA (pronounced "moo fa") stands for monounsaturated fatty acids, or otherwise known as "healthy fat". MUFA's can be found in 5 food categories: healthy oils, olives, avocados, nuts and seeds, and dark chocolate-my favorite!

The book includes a 4-day anti-bloat jumpstart, a four week eating plan (complete with recipes), an optional exercise plan, and loads of nutritional information.

If you want to read all the details about the magic of MUFA's, check out my full Flat Belly Diet Review-you'll be glad you did! This is a fantastic book that will not only help you win your battle with belly fat, but also educate you about many aspects of nutrition, the importance on keeping a food diary, exercise, and stress management.

© 2009, BellyFatAnswers.com

You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author name and URL remain intact. Are you frustrated with your expanding tummy? Read more about the secrets of losing belly fat with the Flat Belly Diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candee_Schneider



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