Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here is a Method Helping Women Burn Belly Fat and Reduce Stomach Fat

First you need to stop the calorie counting if you want to burn belly fat. Calorie counting leads to frustration and failure because it is too time consuming and you won't ever reduce your stomach fat. All that happens is you end up eating more than you should out of frustration.

For those that have tried to do calorie counting does this sound familiar? The food doesn't have a label for you to know how many calories you are eating, you don't have your notebook to right down what you ate or you try at night to remember everything you had that day to add up your calories only to find you can't remember or you went over your calorie allotment.

What if there was a way to eat foods without having to count calories yet still not only lose weight, but lose more weight than the average dieter?

Well, some researchers have proven that there is a better way than calorie counting. This doesn't involve any special program or fancy method of determining calories. It involves choosing the proper foods at the proper times. If you eat the right nutrients at the right times you not only feel full on less calories, but you maximize your fat furning potential and reduce stomach fat at the same time.

Pennsylvania State University researchers divided up 71 obese women into two groups. Both ate a reduced fat diet, but one group ate predominately fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. These are foods that are high in water content. Six months later the group eating the fruits, vegetables and lean meats lost an extra 5 pounds more than then the other group.

They also ate more food by weight and felt less hungry throughout the day. These water rich foods allow you to eat good size portions while still providing fewer calories so that you can reduce stomach fat. Eating foods such as lean meats also provide a high thermic effect which helps you burn belly fat faster than eating other foods. Another reason why these foods works is because they are foods that help you feel fuller longer. Protein is a great nutrient to help fill you up without a lot of calories and fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which also provides that fullness. All keys to reducing stomach fat.

Provided are some examples of lean protein and water rich fruits and vegetables to help you burn belly fat.

Lean Protein:

Chicken or turkey (white meat)
Tuna fish (canned, in water)
Lean beef
Egg whites
Non-fat cottage cheese
Fish (shark, salmon, flounder, etc.)

Water Rich Fruits and Vegetables

Salad (lettuce, romaine, etc.); use non-fat dressing. Cabbage
Green beans
Red or green pepper
Artichoke hearts

If you want to burn belly fat fast then make sure that at every feeding opportunity you incorporate a lean protein choice and at least 1 fruit or vegetable into your meal plan. To reduce stomach fat consistency is the key along with the proper fat burning foods. The foods listed above meet those guidelines to burn belly fat.

Do away with calorie counting forever and start enjoying life again. There is no need to diet to burn belly fat and quite frankly it doesn't work that well. Instead eat frequently and eat the right foods and not only will you not have to diet, but you will burn belly fat at an alarmingly fast rate. No more trying to remember what you ate for breakfast or if you had a snack at 10am and how many calories it was.

If you are serious about how to burn belly fat and reduce stomach fat go to http://dress-size-reduction-blog.com for a free special report on how to lose 20 pounds fast. Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS is the creator of the "Dramatic Dress Size Reduction Diet." As a registered dietitian Jayson knows the secrets to helping any woman drop dress sizes and inches fast, so they can look their best for any special occasion.

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