Saturday, March 8, 2008

How To Lose Weight By Playing More

By Bill Parsons

It’s January and nearly EVERYONE has dreams of New Year’s Resolutions dancing in their heads. For many of us, we resolve to FINALLY do something about that extra weight we’ve been carrying around. But how to go about it? You could join a fitness club, hire a personal trainer or join a diet center. All of these can be costly attempts to meet your goal, which may not prove successful in the long run. You could also opt for gastric bypass surgery, but this is a dangerous, expensive surgery that is only available to the super-obese. If none of these options appeal to you, I have one simple suggestion for you:

Play More!

It doesn’t really matter what kind of play you engage in, so long as you are doing it. It can be simple. Go out in the backyard with your kids and kick a soccer ball around. Toss a football or baseball or play hide-and-go-seek. Running around with kids is fun, energizing, and a great way to get some exercise. If you’re really out of shape, you’ll even be giving the kids an ego-boost…think about how proud they’ll be of themselves to be able to outrun a grown-up!

If you don’t have any kids of your own or some you can borrow from your sister or neighbor, you may have to find another way to play. I’m not suggesting that you head down to your local playground and gather some there; this makes the moms nervous and could land you in a lot of trouble. Rather, go see what the other adults are doing. Is there a pick-up game of basketball going on? Join in. You’ll get some exercise, have fun, and you might find that you’re not in as bad a shape as you thought. You might do well enough to have the courage to show your face again, and you’ll have even more fun.

If you’re not the joiner-type, ask a few of your own friends to come along to shoot some hoops, toss a Frisbee or other such activity. Getting out and playing with your friends, no matter what your age, is fun, good exercise and it’s mentally stimulating as well. It also improves your relationships; having fun together by playing improves communication skills and builds cooperation.

If you’re really motivated, try joining a sports league – most towns and cities have volleyball, baseball, softball, and basketball leagues. Many also offer football and soccer leagues for adults to participate in.

Of course, you can always play alone. Roller-blading, walking, jogging and swimming are all activities that you can engage in outdoors that can help you lose weight while playing. Anything you do should have an element of fun, and playing with kids, other adults, your friends, or even alone are all great ways to get fit and lose weight. So lace up those sneaks and get to it!

Look for links below to fine the best basketball hoop retailer on the web. Shooting buckets outside is a great way to get active and start loosing weight, without having it seem like tough work!

About the Author: Click here for basketball hoops and basketball goals. Find outdoor basketball hoops and indoor basketball hoops at this premiere online shop. You can choose between a heavy duty in ground basketball hoops, or a portable basketball hoop that you can move around from spot to spot. basketball hoops.

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The Key To Weight Loss Success

By Alican Yenidogan

When it comes down to the wire, you are the primary component of the best loss program. Weight loss diets and workouts would be rendered useless without your motivation and discipline. Physicality is not the only component which is required in weight loss; rapid weight loss begins with the mind. This means that you have to decide to commit to a program even if cuts back on your candy bar helpings, or it prohibits you from indulging in that ice cream flavor which you have all but forgotten. Your mind is a very powerful aspect involved in your well-being, and it can lead you to weight loss success or failure, at your own free will.

Commitment is the first step towards healthy loss. Weight management is no easy thing, you can be sure of that; and if you really intend on shedding off those unwanted pounds, you have to start each day with the decision to make the healthy choices which can benefit you. You need to plan and prepare a workout plan the night before the fact, and a meal plan a week in advance. This will ensure that you won't miss out on the next day's regimen, and suffer the long-term consequences of exercise loss. Weight training, cardio exercises, and aerobics may be included in the routine, as long as you can competently handle them. You'll also need a good diet plan to supplement the calorie loss. Natural weight loss should result in a leaner body, not a starving one.

You need to motivate yourself through the program. As is the case, there are few shortcuts to weight loss. Rapid weight loss is only effective if you stick to your program discipline to the dot. Keep yourself reminded of the day's workout plan, or if necessary, have a friend check in on your progress with weight loss. Natural weight loss is also not a self-made effort; you'll need the expert advice of a nutritionist, one who can provide a custom-made meal plan for your particular dietary needs. Your nutritionist will tell you which diets to stick to, and may be able to warn you in advance of any crash diets which you may mistake for a best loss program. Weight management, done in a scientific and healthy way, leads to better chances for long-term success.

As part of your discipline, you have to have some degree of accountability. This prevents the possibility of exercise loss. Weight gain is too much the result of a failure to make yourself true to your personally-set goals that you may end up punishing yourself for it, by eating more and doing less. The best way to discipline your way to healthy loss, weight control, and body toning is to withhold any perks until you perform your required regimen for the day; on the other hand, rewarding yourself after a workout is good reinforcement method towards achieving your goal.

Please remember, self dedication is the key to weight loss and you have to believe in yourself before starting any kind of weight loss program.

About the Author: Alican Yenidogan is a weight loss expert and if you want to know more about diet and weight loss, visit

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